Contact us

Feel free to contact us!

For any contact or information request, that is related to Workspace, but that is not related to an incident report, please fill in the contact form provided below. We will make our best effort to provide the most suitable answers to your questions.
Any incident related topic reported using this form will be immediately ignored without further advisory.

If you wish to report an incident

We invite you to use the appropriate form to report and raise an incident here. This specific form helps you gather all required informations, depending on the issue you will report, so that it can be proceeded in the best way and time.

Disclaimer Notice

I acknowledge that I have read and understand that:

  • This contact form is not intended to report incidents or issues;
  • This contact form is dedicated to general Workspace questions;
  • Any message that is not related to this form's usage will be systematically discarded without further information.